Ecommerce security threats are on the rise, with 30,000 websites hacked daily. Cybercriminals use tactics like credit card hijacking, malware injection, and brute-force attacks to steal customer data and disrupt businesses. Even major platforms like Tokopedia have faced massive breaches. Small businesses are even more vulnerable, making it crucial to stay updated on security measures. From SQL injection to DDoS attacks, ecommerce sites must be fortified against evolving cyber threats. Read the full article to learn how to secure your ecommerce website today!
Dynamic DNS explained
Dynamic DNS, or also for short called DDNS, is a method for automatically updating a name server in the Domain Name System (DNS). Sometimes even in real-time! Whenever the Internet service provider (ISP) changes the IP address, this service is going to update the new information. Get familiar with how Dynamic DNS works!
What does Anycast DNS mean?
Anycast DNS represents a traffic routing algorithm that boosts the speedy delivery of website content. It includes individual IP addresses on several nodes. The DNS queries (DNS requests) of the users are directed to precise nodes depending on different factors, like the capacity and health of the server and the distance between it and the user. Find out everything you need to know about Anycast DNS!
DNS query explained
The DNS query, also commonly called DNS request, is a request for particular DNS data. It is initiated from the device of a user (DNS client) to a DNS server. Most commonly, the DNS query (DNS request) is sent asking for the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) that corresponds to a domain name. Read more detailed information about the DNS query!